Realtors can not answer questions

เขียนโดย montana | 07:56

How does the school system? How safe is the neighborhood? Those that seem innocent questions can in fact discriminate against potential problems REALTORS ® to discuss. Emerged from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 included Title VIII laws against discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing now commonly referred to as the Federal Fair Housing Act mentioned. Fair Housing Act, the federal government has bannedDiscrimination in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status and disability / disability. It also prohibits, among other practices, the disc or the channeling of protected class members for certain buildings or neighborhoods.

Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, if a Realtor ® are a home buyer to say that the schools are excellent and crime are low, but another buyer home the speech before about exactly the same thingNeighborhood, so one might suppose, government or discrimination, a buyer for the other to a particular environment. The federal law is clear, and it is for every Realtor ® and licensed brokers in the country, has taught and reinforced during the state visit of licenses and inspections. However, published in 2006 Fair Housing Trends Report of the National Fair Housing Alliance reports during the assessment of real estate agents across the country, have found the use of schools as a proxy for theRacial or ethnic composition of the neighborhood or the community.

Source: 2006 Fair Housing Trends Report, National Fair Housing Alliance

If you like this kind of discrimination, contact your state licensing board for the real estate industry to immediately report the incident. By law we can not offer opinions about schools and we can not discuss crime and how safe is in the area. We can change the location of resources that can help answer these types ofQuestions:

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development web page entitled "Living in Massachusetts, the school offers ranking cities, the choice alternative, independent school, as well as performance statistics and colleges, universities and continuing education. The Executive Office of the webpage for public safety from the title of the law and criminal justice will provide crime statistics and reports.


The Department of Community Development provides city and its demographic profile. The School Department Web site offers information on all Cambridge Public Schools. The Police Department Web site provides current and historical crime reports and profiles.

If you need information or school crime, perhaps the most important resource is the environment itself. Speak directly with its neighbors and the schools and the police.Neighborhood associations can be very useful. Statistics provide historical data, but people live and work nearby, you can say for the present, and what they planned for the future.

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