William D. Law, Jr. visits SPC Tarpon Spring Campus - Part 2

เขียนโดย montana | 09:56

www.youtube.com William D. Law, Jr., St. Petersburg College's new president, talks about his plans to meet with all of SPC's provosts About St. Petersburg College: In 1927, St. Petersburg College (then known as St. Petersburg Junior College) became Florida's first private, non-profit, two-year school of higher learning located in downtown St. Petersburg. Full accreditation followed in 1931 and in 1948 SPC became a public college. In June 2001, SPJC officially became St. Petersburg College when Florida's governor signed legislation making it the first community college in Florida to offer four-year degrees. On Dec. 11, 2001, the college received the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' accreditation to offer courses leading to bachelor's degrees. In 2002, St. Petersburg College began offering courses leading to bachelor's degrees in Education, Nursing and Technology Management. The college's commitment to its two-year curriculum, which has earned it wide recognition and annually wins it high national rankings, remains as strong as ever. Today, SPC has eight learning sites throughout Pinellas County and recently became the first college in Florida to offer a four-year degree in Dental Hygiene. This program's offerings augment its two-year program, which has been in operation since 1963. SPC added four-year degrees in Veterinary Technology, Public Safety Administration and Orthotics and Prosthetics in 2005. College Accreditation St. Petersburg College is accredited ...


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Find Professional Truck Driving Schools With These 5 Suggestions

เขียนโดย montana | 09:51

Use this list and you will certainly find truck driving schools that are high quality. The path to finding a top notch school can be a tricky one to navigate. Many sad stories about trucking schools that have broken laws and are now closed, or in danger of closing have been echoed recently in many news papers. Many of these schools could have been avoided if these suggestions were considered.

1. Finding Truck Driving Schools on the World Wide Web

These can be found using a search engine like Bing, Google or Ask.com. The search results you get will tell you something. If you feel like you have reached an actual school, then your looking good. You'll notice very little advertisements on the home page. If you get the feeling like you have reached a web site that was set up to advertise for the benefit of many other schools, then your probably right. Your dealing with an advertiser. Not someone that is going to train you. A little more attention to detail is needed. You should be watching out for yourself on these types of site. Ultimately, they are at the top of the rankings for good reason so you may still find a quality truck driving school here.

2. How About the Yellow Pages.

This can be a great way to find a truck driving school. You can even search the yellow pages on the internet. The nice thing here is that the companies listed in the yellow pages have to pay for their ad space. That will usually rule out the fly by night operations.

3. Find Trucking Magazines and Other Printed Media Publications.

Like the yellow pages, schools that advertise in magazines have paid for advertising space. This again rules out the fly by night operations. Also, the advertising terms can be shorter, so the chance of seeing a printed ad and then finding out the company has closed up shop is unlikely.

4. Advertisements or Training Truck Logo's

Almost all truck driving schools will put signs on their training equipment. Also, you can watch the training process in action. This is also an absolutely excellent way to spot a few things about the truck driving school itself. Consider the condition of the training equipment. The condition of the equipment can be a sign of how well the school takes care of its students. Also, Is the equipment out dated? Most major carrier use late model equipment. It will be a tough transition if you've learned on an old truck.

5. Career Centers and Workforce Service Locations

This is probably the least used but can be the best option for finding a quality truck driving school. Workforce service centers specialize in helping people find employment. They also know where you can go to get the training you need for the job you want. Workforce service centers only work with legitimate truck driving schools that have a positive reputation in the community, making this an excellent resource for finding a truck driving school.

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Debate: College football

เขียนโดย montana | 09:46

Is college football a positive influence in American universities? Debating this topic are professors Thomas Palaima and Lino Graglia. Lino Graglia is the Dalton Cross Professor of Law. Professor Graglia has written that big-time college football is a "fraudulent enterprise." Thomas Palaima is the Raymond F. Dickson Centennial Professor and founding Director of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory in the Department of Classics. He is also UT's representative to the national Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics. The event was the second in a series called the Texas Chautauquas, faculty debates on issues of local and national interest that are hosted by the Texas IP Fellows program at the University of Texas at Austin. Texas IP Fellows are Natural Science and Liberal Arts majors who design interdisciplinary minors on topics of personal interest.


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Beat Stress at Universities - Nine Easy Ways

เขียนโดย montana | 09:31

Study Stress

1. Take regular breaks when you're studying.

No-one can focus well for hours on end -- most of us have an attention span of about 20-45 minutes before we need a break. Trying having a five or ten minute break every half-an-hour. Walk around the room, listen to some music that puts you in a good mood, or just stare out of the window. If you're feeling overwhelmed and unable to concentrate, get away from your books and go outside for a brisk walk.

2. Set your own deadlines in advance of the real ones.

Panicking through an essay because it's due in a few hours is a sure way to feel stressed. Instead of rushing work to get it in by the deadline, set yourself a personal deadline a few days earlier. You'll feel much more in control of your time, and you might even find you enjoy writing the essay -- plus, if anything does go wrong (computer breakdown, vital reference missing), you've got a few days to sort it out.

3. Be organised with your books and papers.

Stay on top of your paperwork; make sure lecture notes and handouts get filed on a regular basis (daily is ideal, but weekly should work fine), and keep textbooks and other study materials close at hand. You don't want to end up rummaging through piles of junk when you're in the middle of an assignment, and when it comes to exams, you'll be glad you took the time to keep your notes organised.

Money Stress

1. Track your spending to see where the money goes

If you're constantly having problems managing your money -- maybe you have a part-time job but always end up spending your overdraft -- then keep a note of what you're spending money on. It's surprising how much going out can cost, especially when alcohol's involved. If you're a smoker, you might well not realise how much you're spending on cigarettes every week. Carry a notebook around with you and jot down everything you spend money on (even if it's just a coffee). You'll definitely discover some surprises -- and some areas where you can cut back.

2. Have emergency savings in the bank

You can't focus on your studies when you're constantly worrying about paying the rent, or affording to eat. It really helps to have some emergency savings tucked away -- then, if something unexpected happens (you get fired, your laptop dies and you need a new one), you've got the money there. If you don't currently have a savings account, start one -- put a bit in each week, even if it's just the money you save by skipping your usual latte every morning.

3. Don't buy on impulse when you're out shopping

Of course, part of the fun of being a student is being able to act on impulse -- but spending money whenever you feel like it will quickly send your bank balance into freefall. If you're going to the shops, write a list of what you need first and stick to it. When you see something you're tempted to buy, wait a day or two -- it'll still be there if you still want it. Try taking cash rather than cards with you, a great way to stick to a budget and become more aware of how much you're spending.

Personal Stress

Talk to someone if you're feeling down

Your friends or parents are often a good source of encouragement when things get tough. If you've was stressed, they feel anxious or depressed for a long time, you may want your college counseling service chat. We can help with any problems if there were social, academic or personal, and everyone is treated confidentially.

Have some "me time" every day

Universities can read a whirlwind of social activities, with the remaining moments packed with essays, share and study. Always confirm some "me time" everyday -- whether that's a half-hour soak in the bath, a chance to flick through a glossy magazine, or a stint on the treadmill in the gym. Don't feel obliged to say "yes" every time friends ask you to go out, or whenever a society or club tries to put demands on your time.

Write a journal to work through things

Many people find that writing down their thoughts, worries or problems in a journal can help to resolve them. Sometimes, just being honest with yourself about your emotions is enough to help you de-stress. Other times, you might find that exploring a tricky problem on paper can help you to see it in a different light -- and perhaps find a solution.

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Top Psychology Graduate Schools - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

เขียนโดย montana | 09:16

If you are looking to be matriculated into one of the nation's best graduate schools in psychology, then make sure that you add the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign to the top of your application stack. Currently, Illinois holds the #7 ranking for top psychology graduate programs according to U.S. News and World Reports. At Urbana-Campaign, doctoral programs are offered in the following areas of research:

* Biological
* Brain and Cognition
* Clinical/Community Psychology
* Cognitive Psychology
* Developmental Psychology
* Quantitative Psychology
* Social-Personality Psychology
* Industrial-Organizational Psychology
* Visual Cognition and Human Performance

As an added plus, there are also interdisciplinary training programs in Psycholinguistics and Human Factors Psychology.

In order to be considered for acceptance to this school, a student must fill out the Institutional application as well as the Department of Psychology Information Form. Expect the Departmental form to repeat a lot of the same questions as the Institutional application, but it delves deeper into your educational background and future goals. Admissions committees will use these responses to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for doctoral study. They must also have two letters of recommendation, graduate admissions essay, fully complete, sealed transcripts, and a GPA that puts you at the top of your class. Like most other research-oriented Ph.D. programs, it will be a plus to have prior research experience to discuss within your personal statement. As with most other graduate programs, you can expect to submit almost all of your materials online.

While Urbana-Champaign offers a wide variety of areas of specialization, you can also expect that as a top graduate program, the competition may be fierce to get in. It pays off in the form of an acceptance letter to study hard for the GRE exam, identify potential faculty mentors, and write an effective statement of purpose. Once all of these factors are in place, you can rest assured that your application package is among the top of the applicant pool.

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8 October 2009 NYSE Closing Bell Banco Espirito Santo Investment

เขียนโดย montana | 08:26

His Excellency João de Vallera, Portuguese Ambassador to the US , and Mr. José Maria Ricciardi, Chief Executive Officer of Banco Espirito Santo Investment (BESI) (NYSE Euronext Lisbon: BES) visit the NYSE to participate in Portuguese Day. In honor of the occasion, Mr. José Maria Ricciardi rings The Closing Bell®. The event, sponsored by Espírito Santo Investmentand NYSE Euronext, celebrates Espírito Santo Investments first New York branch and provide an opportunity to address the US and global investor community. Banco Espírito Santo de Investimento, SA Banco Espírito Santo de Investimento, SA, (Espírito Santo Investment), the investment banking arm of Banco Espírito Santo, is a leading Portuguese investment bank, and one of the main investment banks on the Iberian Peninsula . It recently announced the expansion of its operations with the opening of aNew York branch, offering advisory and other services in structured finance, treasury and trading, equity capital markets, debt capital markets and mergers and acquisitions. Banco Espírito Santo is the second-largestbank in Portugal , and operates in Spain , the United Kingdom , Ireland , Poland andBrazil . Espírito Santo Investment has built a strong reputation in its target markets reflected in its ranking as the leading investment bank in Portugal and among the top banks in Europe. Background: NYSE Euronext Lisbon has a total market capitalization of approximately €200 billion/$292billion and is home to 55 listed issuers ...


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Vermont Law School Is An Advocacy Warrior

เขียนโดย montana | 08:21

In America today, two topics are guaranteed to arouse much spirited discussion and heated debate and these are the environment and the military. At the forefront of these issues is an institution who for the past 35 years of its existence has seldom taken the middle road. The Vermont Law School has taken the cudgels for two causes which are not only very much in the public eye, but may present America with some of its most difficult challenges yet.

Vermont Law School advocacies have never been easy as most advocacies usually are, but it is to the school's credit that it has stayed on this course and offered a professional platform on which others with similar inclinations can use. Vermont Law School has championed a specialized study of environmental law and pioneered it to such an extent that the Master of Studies in Environmental Law (MSEL) it offers has been universally praised for its fluid blending of law, policy, science and ethics and other relevant interdisciplinary studies.

It has re-defined the boundaries of environmental practice and management and includes in its programs, crucial centers of study focusing on environmental law, energy, environmental tax policies, effective land use, natural resources and a legal clinic specifically for these areas of concern.

The Vermont Law School credo of "Law for the Community and the World" typifies the necessary perspective that environmental advocates believe would give everyone a true understanding of how environmental management can be crucial to humanity's survival. Typical Vermont Law School programs, internships and academic immersions inevitably introduce students to the breathtaking vistas of the school's South Royalton campus.

The stunning views and languid afternoons spent rowing on the White River that passes by the school serve to emphasize all the more, the urgency and significance of the school's mission.

But the intensity of Vermont Law School causes in recent years has risen up a notch with the school's refusal to adhere to the Solomon Amendment which was passed by the U.S. Congress to allow on-campus military recruitment in all colleges and universities. Refusal to cooperate meant losing federal funding.

Not surprisingly, the Vermont Law School became the only American law school to give up millions of dollars in funding as well as pursuing a legal case challenging the Solomon Amendment which it described as discriminatory. The school became a member of the Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR) which took the case against the amendment all the way to the Supreme Court.

In March of 2006, the court ruled unanimously for the government citing that because the government can require campuses to allow military recruitment, it can withhold funding if that requirement is not followed.

But rather than see this as a set-back, the school continues on with its trailblazing efforts to be not simply controversial, but relevant to the needs and requirements of the community and the country. It also continues to expand its environmental advocacies, creating global partnerships with similarly inclined institutions and groups.

For its efforts, it is but fitting that the Vermont Law School has been hailed by the U.S. News and World Report as being one of 2008's Best Graduate Schools in America and ranking first on the study of Environmental Law.

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BBLP: Your Best Source for Law Firm Info

เขียนโดย montana | 08:06

Visit Building a Better Legal Profession (betterlegalprofession.org) to find all the information you need in one place.


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Several Tips in Choosing the Right University

เขียนโดย montana | 08:01

Education is something very important that human being should have in their life. And for this certain reason, there are a lot of people try to get their undergraduate or post graduate education from any university that has good reputation. However, finding the best university for you is not only determined by the reputation of the university only. There are a lot of aspects that you should consider carefully before choosing certain place to study.

The first consideration is your purpose. Just decide why you are continuing your study in the university. If you want to improve your future career, choose any university that becomes the leader in the certain degree that you want to achieve. For example, if you want to study creative writing University of East Anglia will be the best choice. Or, you can choose University of Oxford if you are interested to study business.

However, choosing a certain subject is somehow confusing. If you have decided on a certain subject to study related with your future career plan, it will be easier. You just need to take related subject with your future goal. For example, you can take law if you plan to be a lawyer. But if you have not decided a certain plan for your future, you can choose a certain subject that you are good in.

The second consideration is the location of the university. Make sure that you have to be happy to stay in the certain city or environment. Why? It is very important for you to enjoy the life there because you will spend at least eight months a year to stay there. Consider the distance with your hometown because it will be important aspect as well. If you want to experience independent life, you can choose university as far as you can. But if you still want to come home and visit your parents sometimes, it is better for you to choose the nearer one.

The third aspect to be considered is the cost. Surely, it will be an important thing to be prepared when you are going to enter any university. Different universities require you to spend different amount of money. However, you can still apply for any scholarship programs that fortunately are available in a lot of kinds.

There will be a lot of choices of universities for you. Surely, what you have to do finding the best university for you, not the best university based on the rank. If you think that those best universities in the world are appropriate environment for you to study, surely it will be great. However, if you do not enjoy to study there, you just need to simply take another option.

Up to this day, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA is still in the top position of the best universities in the world. This well-known Ivy League school achieves perfect 100.00 score. This is the oldest university in the US which is founded in 1636. The second position will be University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England UK. While the third position is Yale University in New Have, Connecticut, USA.

Now, you can start to consider which university that fit best for you. Prepare everything well before choosing and entering university will be a wise thing to do.

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Basic Information on Driving Lessons

เขียนโดย montana | 07:26

A car is more than just a means of transportation. In the wrong hands it can become a weapon of death. Driving lessons are thus very important to equip the driver with the needed knowledge and experience to be able to drive safely. Well trained drivers will mean lesser accidents on the roads. Knowing this fact should make you take your training seriously.

Driving lessons or Driving lessons Glasgow are considered as required first steps before a new driver can be issued a license. The certification process involves training and then sitting for an exam. The exam usually consists of multiple choice questions or an oral test to gauge knowledge of traffic rules and regulations. Failing to pass the test would mean that the new driver will not be issued a driving license. Depending on the state or country, the driver can retake the exam in either some days, weeks or months after the first attempt. After successfully passing the written exam, the driver will need to schedule a practical driving exam. The driving exam is very important and will be administered by a qualified test personnel from the Department of Motor Vehicles. You would need to undergo driving training to be able to pass this exam.

In some countries, a valid certificate from an approved driving school is required to obtain a license to drive. This certification is to certify that the new driver has undergone adequate driving lessons Glasgow as required by the state.

For safety reasons, driving training should be done in a clear area with some distance away from buildings, car or many people. A good location may be an unused field or a school's field when school is not in session. Top ranking professional driving schools that offer driving lessons usually make use of custom made cars. The cars may look like a regular car on the outside, but have some modified controls on the inside. This is to enable the instructor and student to both have control over the vehicle. The instructor is thus able to take over control of the vehicle when the student is making a mistake.

A student has to learn basic driving and traffic instructions and techniques before beginning driving lessons. It helps when the student is taken through a run down of the whole curriculum so that they have an idea of what the entire program entails. Your driving training needs to be taken seriously, so do not settle for just any second rated driving instructor. Lessons are not just for new drivers as old drivers can also go back for refresher courses or to learn how to drive a new type of vehicle.

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A Martial Artist's View Of The Film: "Gladiator"

เขียนโดย montana | 07:01

"Gladiator," unlike many films that pit men against men in individual combat, is entertaining to watch because it has, what Aristotle was one of the first to call, "spectacle."

Spectacle is grandeur, a large story set on a worldly stage, with dazzling scenery, and breathtaking moments.

"Gladiator" has all of these things, and through special effects, it shows us what Imperial Rome may have looked like.

The Coliseum is, well, spectacular.

When the script says it seated 50,000 blood-lusting locals, the moving pictures in front of you prove it.

You believe that Russell Crowe and company are doing battle in the best arena in the world.

So, from an architectural standpoint, this movie is a great travelogue.

Moreover, the scenes depicting gladiators fighting each other to the death are well done.

But where it leaves me feeling vacant is in the arena of individual motivation.

A martial artist must ask himself: When is it right to fight?

When you have right, and might, you're invincible.

Might alone, without the proper motivation, can let you down and you can fall to someone less physically impressive, who is fueled by virtue.

Why does Russell Crowe's "Gladiator" fight? Largely, it boils down to a single word: Revenge.

He lost his family and his promotion to the throne because of one man's avarice and cruelty, and he wants payback.

Revenge is a great theme in the movies, but is it something around which you should construct a life?

Who is the stronger martial artist: One who can overcome loss, or one who must avenge it, at the price of his own life?

I leave it to you to consider this and other questions raised by this film.

In the meantime, it's definitely worth your attention, and it's entertaining, especially if you forget that pesky fact that you're a martial artist, and it is your job to align right with might.

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Israeli Nazi Eugenic Experiments on Jewish accouchement 1/5

เขียนโดย montana | 06:56

1 100000 Jewish immigrant children were experimented on with high lethal doses of radiation in 1951 overseen by Shimon Peres and sponsored by the USA. The director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba, flew to America and returned with seven x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army. They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60 million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers that killed thousands over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis. Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, "All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you ...


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Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 5

เขียนโดย montana | 06:26

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties discuss how to expand health care coverage to Americans who currently lack it.. Held at the Blair House in Washington, DC


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A Law School Search Story

เขียนโดย montana | 06:11


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How Nursing School Grants Work

เขียนโดย montana | 05:52

If you're a nursing student who is going out of your mind to find money to pay for your studies, nursing school grants would be your best choice. It is a financial assistance given by organizations or agencies to support all kinds of schools and studies.

Q. How do you apply for nursing school grants?

A. The most recognized nursing school grants program is from the U.S. Government. It is called Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. Money awards or grants could be given to any qualifying student and does not need to be paid back.

1. Usage of grants

These grants could be used for long-term nursing training or for the entire four or five years of your college. Many of these nursing grants are used in the cost of the study or program. They could be used in thesis of nursing students and other medical studies.

2. Planning

By planning to acquire nursing school grants, you are ahead on everyone else. Request for a submission form and check for the deadline of the application process. Remember to complete the form with valid information. Double-check your work. Get hold of the procedures in applying for nursing school grants and follow it correctly. You should send your application sooner than the date of the deadline. By preparing earlier, you would prevent missing the deadline and qualifying for the nursing school grants. It would cause you to apply for it on the following year.

3. Eligibility

The grants would be given to any individual (attending private or public schools. or any educational organizations (whether private or public offices. that has been qualified to receive the grants. The main key to qualifying is to prove the nurse's capability on safety and health training (whether college level or professional level). The nursing school grants could be also based on the financial need of the student, the ranking of the grades, and special talents. The agency would be the one to pass the criteria for the applicants.

4. What Amount Should You Aim For?

The amount of the grants would depend on the criteria passed by the nursing student. Although there are only 208 grants provided a year, the nursing student applying for grants should be able to meet the requirements. When successfully passed, the nursing student would be given sufficient additional training for nursing practices or researches and updated techniques.

5. Procedure

The highest scoring nursing student would be given priority. Although it would still be processed by the FAFSA, once permitted the grant would be given to you. Usually, the awards are divided into two - initial and final grants.

6. Guidelines

- Make sure to get hold of a written policy that a refund will be given if your grant is not approved

- Never give your information in particularly with credit card numbers

- Don't believe when an agency says that they would do all the processing for you. You should be the one to sign when your signature is needed

- Never give money to agencies that claim you owe them interest in the handling of the processing. These nursing school grants should not cost you anything

- If you are not approved, don't give up. There is always next year to apply

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Understanding Human History: Interview of Dr. Michael Hart 1

เขียนโดย montana | 05:36

Michael H. Hart (born April 28, 1932 in New York City) is an astrophysicist who has also written three books on history and controversial articles on a variety of subjects. Hart, a graduate of the Bronx High School of Science who enlisted in the US Army during the Korean war, received his undergraduate degree at Cornell in mathematics and later earned a PhD in astrophysics at Princeton University. He also holds graduates degrees in physics, astronomy, and computer science, as well as a law degree. He was a research scientist at NASA before leaving to be a professor of physics at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He has also taught both astronomy and history of science at Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland. His published work in peer-reviewed scientific journals includes several detailed computer simulations of atmospheric evolution. His first book was The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, which has sold more than 500000 copies and been translated into 15 foreign languages. His second book, A View from the Year 3000, published in 1999, is a history of the future which includes both technological advances and political developments. His most recent book, Understanding Human History (Washington Summit Publishers, 2007), is a history of humanity, beginning about 100000 years ago and going through the 20th century. It includes discussions of developments in every major area of the world. Unlike other books on world history ...


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Senate Session 2010-04-19 (13:59:56-14:51:59)

เขียนโดย montana | 05:27



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Alex Covers FBI Agent Provocateurs & Anderson Cooper's Psyop Piece on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

เขียนโดย montana | 05:18

FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Alleged Hutaree Conspiracy Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com March 30, 2010 The FBI had an informant inside the Hutaree group and he participated in the alleged conspiracy to kill law enforcement officers, according to The Wall Street Journal today. In sworn testimony, Thomas William Piatek is described as a Cooperating Witness and an undercover FBI agent. Thomas William Piatek is pictured at the bottom right. It is interesting to note that, unlike the other suspects, he appears not to be wearing a jail uniform. A spokesperson at the FBIs Detroit office declined to comment on the undercover agent and any role such an agent may have had in the investigation. A spokesman at the Justice Department in Washington also declined to discuss specifics of the investigation, the Journal reports. It is not surprising that the FBI had penetrated the Hutaree group and an agent was apparently at the center of the alleged conspiracy. In fact, it is part of a well established pattern. On March 20, Infowars.com reported on allegations that a federal agent acted as a provocateur in the New York synagogue bombing conspiracy case. Defense attorneys in the case argued in court that the plot was hatched and directed by a federal informant. They said the informant badgered the defendants until they got involved in the plot, NBC New York reported. They said the informant chose the targets, supplied fake bombs for the synagogues and a fake missile to shoot down planes ...


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Exposing Satanism in US Government Pt. 1 of 8 - Ted Gunderson

เขียนโดย montana | 05:01

en.wikipedia.org Early life Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. After a brief stint as a sales representative for Hormel Foods Corporation,[4] Gunderson entered the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951. He served in Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as a Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia; and as Chief Inspector, and Special Agent-in-Charge of the Memphis and Dallas divisions. In 1977, Gunderson took his last position as Senior Special Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles division, and retired in March 1979. Gunderson was honored as the Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer in America, by the AFL-CIO Metal Trade Counsel Los Angeles, CA in 1977. Post-FBI Investigations and Career After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret Doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders. [5] Her video recorded confessions to Gunderson were never allowed as evidence by the courts. This was the beginning of Gunderson's investigative research and allegations concerning satanic cult involvement in murders and other felony crimes. Gunderson states some Satanic ...


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The HSC Mindset

เขียนโดย montana | 04:41

We are now into Term 4 of 2009. This means all year 11 have just moved onto year 12, and are in their first Term of their HSC. Now is the real thing - all school assessments count towards your internal rank. Your assignments and exams at school will affect your ATAR - and your final HSC exams are less than a year away.

It is time to get yourself into the right mindset in order to achieve the ATAR you want.

How to set goals

Goal setting is an effective motivational tool that can help you stay focused and on-track to your HSC success. Staying focused and motivated throughout the 2 years starting at the beginning of year 11 plays a large part to your eventual success in getting the ATAR you need for your ideal University course. Staying focused and motivated is also the biggest challenge students face. Here's where effective goal-setting can help.

There are many books written on this subject, but the key thing to learn is the ability to break big goals down into small actionable tasks. For example, suppose your ultimate HSC goal is to achieve the ATAR you need for your dream University course. This is a very common goal, one shared by all keen HSC students dedicated to their studies.

Breaking big goals into smaller goals

So how would you go about breaking down this goal into smaller actionable tasks?

First, make a commitment to end the habit of procrastination. Accept that for great things to happen, there must be a proportionately great amount of work that needs to be done - by you. Think of this as a 'law of conservation of effort and rewards', or the old adage: 'you reap what you sow'. In order to achieve a high ATAR, you need to study - there's no two ways about this. Do all your homework from school (and tutoring!), and ask questions until you completely understand every concept before moving on.

Now, since it's a given that hard work and study is required, you'll need to work out what you can do each day to work to your goal. The second step is to find out what is a sustainable amount of study you can do each day. Make a commitment to stick to this amount, everyday, for as long as you can. Work out a schedule in which to split your study time amongst your subjects. Put more time into your weaker subjects - generally this approach will maximise your aggregate mark (due to diminishing returns from excelling in each individual subject). Make a schedule, commit to it and STICK to it.

The third and final step is to START TODAY. Remember that there is no longer any reason for you to procrastinate as you've accepted the fact that hard work is necessary for great rewards.

Keep small goals realistic The thing to remember about setting smaller goals is to keep them realistic and achievable. For example, suppose your goal is to do well in an upcoming Mathematics exam, and you need to master Integration and Polynomials before the exam. Then what you can do is break the content and exercises you'll need to go through into daily portions and do those portions each day. Keep the amount achievable, but don't be lazy about it. Do the most you can - then have a break.

Rewarding yourself Rewarding yourself is an important part of the whole process. It is wrong to believe that HSC success comes from complete sacrifice of one's social life and leisure time for the entire 2 years.

While it is important to set goals, it is equally important to reinforce the achievement of goals with proportionate rewards. Decide to yourself prior to starting each goal what the reward for the goal is. For example, you may have a goal of achieving 90% in the next Physics exam. You may think this is particularly challenging for you, since Physics is one of your weaker subjects. Therefore you may decide that if you achieve this goal, you'd get to go out for a day or two, or throw a party, or buy yourself something nice. However it is also important that your activity is something that involves movement. Because study requires you to be at home / school / library, it is not a good idea to spend your breaks doing something at home, such as playing computer games for the whole day.

Study smart, study hard Have you heard some people telling you to "study smarter, not harder"? This is one of the most dangerous things to believe in, as it gets students into the wrong mindset. Yes, there are ways to study smarter, as it comes from understanding the way the HSC works, how HSC scaling works, what percentile is required for a certain aggregate mark, etc. As well, there are definitely great benefits in learning effective study habits such as how to set schedules, set goals (what this article is teaching!), and how to maximise the use of your resources (teachers, books etc). However, this does NOT mean you should not work as hard as you can. Instead, every time you hear someone say to you "study smarter, not harder", you should reply "why not do both?".

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Things you can do to study smarter:

Educate yourself of the way the HSC works, such as HSC scaling, how the ATAR is calculated, what marks are required for your required ATAR, etc
Make maximum use of your teachers at school and tutoring
Make use of quality textbooks for your subjects. Sometimes, notes from past students / friends etc, even teachers at school, are no-where near as comprehensive as the textbook
Study with friends who are as dedicated as you are

Things you can do to study harder:

Stop procrastinating - start today!
Make a schedule, stick to it
Set small realistic goals that are part of your bigger goals

Final thoughts

The key to HSC success is not how 'naturally bright' you are. It is not what school you go to either (although having great teachers helps a lot, you can always find great teachers from tutoring). The most important thing is consistency in hard work.

"Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results, it produces no results. Work, continuous work and hard work, it the only way to accomplish results that last." -Hamilton Holt

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Alamance Community College Offers Distance Learning, Dual Enrollment and Double Majors

เขียนโดย montana | 04:11

A community college located in Graham, North Carolina in United States, Alamance Community College serves the Alamance County area. The two year public college is unique in providing facilities of distance learning, dual enrollment, and double major.

Brief History

On passing of legislation in 1963, the administration of this industrial education center was transferred to North Carolina State Board of Education, Department of College. Alamance Community College bought the Glenhope School in 1977 and renamed it as Burlington Campus of Technical Institute of Technology. In 1979 the Board of Trustees changed the name of the college to Technical College of Alamance. In 1988 the College was renamed as the Alamance College.


Campus of this public two year community college serves large town having population in the range of 50,000 despite having a rural setting. Campus is located 4 miles from Burlington and 30 miles from Greensboro.

Programs Offered

Programs offered include associate degrees and degrees in communications and journalism, biological and biomedical science, health and clinical science, education, security and protective services, personal and culinary services etc. Popular majors are health profession, business, marketing, construction trade, liberal arts, computer and information, security and protective services. Visual and performing art is another wing of courses offered by the college.

Unique Features

Distance learning, double major, and dual enrollment makes the study option in the college unique. In addition the college offers ESL, internship, weekend colleges and independent study facilities. Learning center, reduced course load, and study skills assistance and tutoring makes the course plan interesting for students.


Open admission policy is followed by the college. However secondary school GPA, rank, and records, admission test scores and TOEFL scores are also important. Dual credit and advanced placements are accepted admission credits. Transfer students are not ignored. However one should learn about the specific datelines for applications either for admission or for financial assistance from the college notice board or online by visiting the university or college directory on the state university website.


Alamance Community College was accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1969.

Student Services and Financial Aids

Alamance College offers remedial services, academic and career counseling, PT cost defraying employment, and career placement and on campus day care services. Financial assistance includes federal, state, local, and institutional grants, scholarships and student loan aids. Extensive undergraduate morning or evening classes are also available. Details of the assistances offered can be seen on the state university website.

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Hawaii Massage Therapy Schools

เขียนโดย montana | 02:07

If you are serious about learning the art of massage therapy, have you considered Hawaii massage therapy schools? Since you are interested in changing your situation by building a career in massage therapy, you could change your life dramatically by attending one of the top massage therapy schools in Hawaii. Think of it! You would receive the same massage therapy training you would learn anywhere in the United States or Canada, but how much more pleasant to study massage in one of the most uniquely beautiful places on earth!

In Hawaii massage therapy schools, you can expect general courses in anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and patient assessment. You will most likely take courses in theory and practice of massage therapy, common treatments of wellness and stress management, neuromuscular therapy, reflexology, hydrotherapy, therapeutic exercise, sports massage, deep tissue massage, spa massage, and clinical massage practice. You can also study body-mind integration, Swedish massage, Hawaiian lomi lomi, and some of the more exotic forms of Eastern massage such as shiatsu, Reiki, and Thai massage.

After successfully completing 650 hours of coursework from one of the accredited Hawaii massage therapy schools, you will be qualified to take state and national licensing examinations. A license earned in Hawaii would qualify you to practice massage therapy in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces.

Advanced certification and continuing education courses for improving massage therapy techniques and maintaining licensure are also offered in Hawaii massage therapy schools. Advance certification allows for specializations in a various disciplines of massage therapy and bodywork. Specialties can focus on sports and orthopedic massage, myofascial therapy, infant massage, lymphatic massage, bodywork, movement therapy, stress management, and spa massage.

Upon graduation, you will be required to take licensing examinations. Once you have passed the exams, obtained your license, and checked with local authorities regarding area regulations and laws, you will be ready to begin your new and exciting career in massage therapy.

If you would like to learn more about Hawaii Massage Therapy Schools [http://www.schoolsgalore.com/categories/1/hawaii_massage_therapy_schools.html] and other educational opportunities, we invite you to visit our website today and submit your request to a few top schools. You will soon have all the information you need to convince you that massage therapy schools in Hawaii have a lot to offer the aspiring massage therapist.

If necessary, you may wish to broaden your search to include massage therapy schools in other states, such as:

- Colorado Massage Therapy Schools

- Arizona Massage Therapy Schools

- Michigan Massage Therapy Schools

- Pennsylvania Massage Therapy Schools

- Minnesota Massage Therapy Schools

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.com.

Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.

Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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Best Graduate Schools

เขียนโดย montana | 01:21

While looking for graduate schools to apply to, there are certain criteria that you should keep in mind. Certain schools specialize in certain fields. Do your research and find out which schools are best in your area of specialization.

Decide your ultimate goal and work backwards from it. Analyze whether the course that you are applying for will qualify you for your ultimate goal. Look at the course from all angles and see whether you will need to undertake any prerequisite and supplementary courses. Prerequisites will make up for any shortfalls in your knowledge of the main subject you are about to pursue. Supplementary courses will depend on your assessment regarding whether you need more intake to achieve your final goal.

One logical way of evaluating the school is to evaluate the instructors. A school's excellence depends on two main things, its infrastructure and its teaching faculty.

It is also essential to check your school's general education requirements. Every student is required to take a set core of courses. This is often essential to earn a degree. Overlaps and conflicts with the major must be checked on and credits for courses differ from institution to institution. A certain amount of research under the guidance of an experienced person will certainly help in locating a suitable graduate school.

There is no surefire method of getting your dream graduate school; however there are a few tactics you can employ with that goal in mind. As competition is incredibly tough, the preparation for the admission process should start early, preferably at the beginning of your last year in college. Guidance from teachers, participation in seminars and counseling sessions can be invaluable. Besides enrolment in many courses (science, math and English), the enhancement of good communication skills (both written and oral) will come in handy. Various GRE preparation courses can also help in giving you the right kind of orientation. The next step is to make a perfect transcript that fits the expectations of your desired graduate school. Friends and the internet can also prove to be sources of guidance and advice.

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Theme 3: The Power of Data - Zeitgeist Europe 2010

เขียนโดย montana | 00:56

We live in a world that is increasingly data-rich. Real-time monitoring and targeting techniques can yield huge benefit to business and society, but also raise important concerns over privacy. In this session, we will explore the frontiers of the data debate - from the dangers posed by data and the protections needed to guard our civil rights; to demands for greater transparency and giving people control over their data; to opportunities for valuable new services that rely on mining and linking data-streams. Shami Chakrabarti (Director, Liberty) Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Inventor, World Wide Web) Brian Fitzpatrick (Engineering Manager & Open Source Advocate, Google) Professor Maurice Biriotti (Founder & CEO, SHM Productions) Moderated by Professor John Palfrey (Professor of Law, Harvard) ***Please note that all the videos feature YouTube's new Captioning feature. To turn this off or on, simply click the 'cc' button in the bottom right corner of the player. As this is a brand new technology, there may be a few syncing slips - please bear with us as we work to perfect***


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William D. Law, Jr. visits SPC Tarpon Spring Campus - Part 2

เขียนโดย montana | 00:51

www.youtube.com William D. Law, Jr., St. Petersburg College's new president, talks about his plans to meet with all of SPC's provosts About St. Petersburg College: In 1927, St. Petersburg College (then known as St. Petersburg Junior College) became Florida's first private, non-profit, two-year school of higher learning located in downtown St. Petersburg. Full accreditation followed in 1931 and in 1948 SPC became a public college. In June 2001, SPJC officially became St. Petersburg College when Florida's governor signed legislation making it the first community college in Florida to offer four-year degrees. On Dec. 11, 2001, the college received the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' accreditation to offer courses leading to bachelor's degrees. In 2002, St. Petersburg College began offering courses leading to bachelor's degrees in Education, Nursing and Technology Management. The college's commitment to its two-year curriculum, which has earned it wide recognition and annually wins it high national rankings, remains as strong as ever. Today, SPC has eight learning sites throughout Pinellas County and recently became the first college in Florida to offer a four-year degree in Dental Hygiene. This program's offerings augment its two-year program, which has been in operation since 1963. SPC added four-year degrees in Veterinary Technology, Public Safety Administration and Orthotics and Prosthetics in 2005. College Accreditation St. Petersburg College is accredited ...


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Liz Cheney Echoes VP Dick - Part 1 (HQ)

เขียนโดย montana | 00:01

Part 1 of 5: Liz Cheney regurgitates her father's claims with Joe Scarborough (via telephone), co-host Mika Brzezinski, Mike Barnicle, Willie Geist and Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times. MSNBC's Morning Joe (aired: 05/12/09). Editorial: Joe Scarborough makes the claim that 50% of Americans agree with the use of 'enhanced' interrogation techniques aka torture. Let me hear from you in the Comment Section: Pro or Con these techniques. Mini-Bar Bio: Elizabeth Cheney Perry (born July 28, 1966), graduated high school in 1984. She received her bachelor's degree from Colorado College where she wrote her senior thesis, "The Evolution of Presidential War Powers," in 1988. She received her Juris Doctor (JD) degree from the University of Chicago Law School in 1996, having also taken courses in Middle Eastern history at the Oriental Institute. Prior to attending law school, Cheney worked for the State Department for five years and the US Agency for International Development between 1989 and 1993. After 1993, she took a job at Armitage Associates LLP, the consulting firm founded by Richard Armitage, then a former Defense Department official and Iran-Contra operative who later served as Deputy Secretary of State. In 2002, Cheney was appointed to the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. a pre-existing vacant post with an "economic portfolio," which is a mandate to promote investment in the region. Amid reports, including a New York Times ...


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House Session 2010-04-14 (13:44:51-14:45:36)

เขียนโดย montana | 10:48



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I'm Only an Average Student - How Can I Get Into Medical School?

เขียนโดย montana | 03:22

For many people, becoming a doctor is a lifelong dream; it is something they are very passionate about. It has been said that getting into medical school is one of the largest hurdles on the path to becoming a doctor. It is certainly no easy feat to get into medical school. If you are still in high school, you don't need to worry too much about your grades, as long as they will get you into college. If you are already in college, you need to be working hard to get and maintain a B+ average.

While in high school, you should start planning which college you will attend and what you will major in. Contrary to common belief, you do not need to have taken pre-med to get into med school. While your grades won't matter to the med school, the college you choose to attend may come into play. Most med schools will accept work done at a community college, but the classes must transfer over to the university you choose. It is best if you can get into a university from the beginning.

Once you are in college, you will want to major in something that truly interests you. It is better to major in Business and get good grades than to major in science and do poorly. No matter what your major, to get into medical school you will need to take Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, English, and most likely Physics and Calculus. You will also need to take the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test), usually in your junior year.

Medical schools will look at your overall GPA, your science GPA, the score on the MCAT, extracurricular activities, and your application essays. To get into med school, they like to see at least a 3.6 GPA. If you have a high science GPA, but your overall GPA is a bit lower than what they are looking for, you may still get in if your MCAT is over 30. If you find your GPA is a bit low, take extra courses, or even go ahead and get your Master's degree.

Medical school is very competitive, there are not nearly as many spots as there are applicants. If it is truly your heart's desire to become a doctor, you can always consider studying abroad. The important thing is to not give up. You may have to take a longer route to get your dream, but with hard work and perseverance you can accomplish almost anything!

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Why Should I Get an MBA?

เขียนโดย montana | 20:17

The MBA or Masters in Business Administration Degree is absolutely required to attain the high salaries that coveted professional business jobs provide. Top ranking programs come in several different forms and are offered through Online programs, Distance Learning, Executive programs and of course through some of the top university business schools in the U.S. and elsewhere in full time and part time MBA programs.

Obtaining the Masters in Business Administration from a Top Program is key to entry into several competitive job fields. Investment Banking, Trading, Consulting, Marketing and Financial Sales are only a few of the highly competitive and high paying financial and business careers. These MBA jobs and the companies that offer them almost exclusively hire from a crop of the top ten program graduates each year. Competition is fierce, but a high ranking school can be the difference between gaining admission into this select world or not.

Several publications issue "MBA School" rankings. Some of the more well-regarded are those put out by BusinessWeek, U.S News and World Report and the Wall Street Journal. There are a few key steps that are required to get into the top MBA programs. A high GMAT score, solid essays, outstanding grades and impressive extracurricular activities are all key components of a good mba school application. There are several great titles available to help you prepare and courses such as Princeton Review and Kaplan can help you achieve your maximum potential on the GMAT.

Of course there is a good amount of competition to get into the best programs and for good reason. MBA jobs are some of the best paying in the workforce and top graduates make on average substantially more than non-degree holders. If you can't do a full-time program there are a number of quality online MBA and distance learning programs available that can give you a great education and help you move up in corporate America. While these online schools might not have the panache or prestige that a top ranked program will have, they certainly will give you an advantage over the competition with just a bachelor's degree.

Finally, after you graduate, as important as the degree is your preparation and ability to interview. Interview skills are something that the best MBA programs stress. There are typically resources available at top programs such as career counseling, internships and interview and networking workshops. The MBA is your ticket to the high salary jobs in the exciting worlds of finance and big business that many dream of. With hard work, good planning and dedication obtaining a Masters in Business Administration from a top school can be achieved. Read this and other great articles about the MBA at www.TopTenMBA.com

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2010 Global MBA Rankings

เขียนโดย montana | 03:37

As greater numbers of students and executives recognize the importance of an international education in today's competitive business world, many MBA students are opting for a Global MBA that emphasizes international business. These degrees are offered in both Full Time MBA Programs as well as accelerated Executive MBA Programs.

In comparison to the traditional Full Time MBA Rankings by BusinessWeek and US News and World Report that focus on US MBA programs only, two publications have come out with Global Rankings for both types of programs. These are The Wall Street Journal's 2010 Executive MBA Rankings and the Financial Times 2010 Global MBA Rankings. Both of these include International MBA programs as well as Domestic US Schools together. The results are below.

Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2010

1. London Business School

2. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

3. Harvard Business School

4. Stanford University (GSB)

5. Insead (France/Singapore)

6. Columbia Business School

7. IE Business School (Spain)

8. MIT Sloan School of Management

9. University of Chicago (Booth)

10. Hong Kong UST Business School

Wall Street Journal Executive MBA Rankings 2010

1. IE Business School (Madrid, Spain)

2. IMD/Lausanne (Switzerland)

3. Cranfield School of Management (Bedford, England)

4. Northwestern University (Kellogg)

5. Babson College (Babson Park, Mass)

6. ESADE (Barcelona, Spain)

7. INSEAD (Fountainebleau, France)

8. IAE (Buenos Aires)

9. Miami Univ (Oxford, Ohio)

10. Emory University (Atlanta)

It is important to note that the Wall Street Journal Executive MBA Rankings do not include Full-Time MBA Programs. Instead, this is a ranking of the best fast-track accelerated MBA programs that enable busy executives to complete their education in a shorter amount of time than the traditional 2 years. Most are 3 semesters (1.5 years) or full time 1 year accelerated programs including a summer session to permit completion in only a little over one year.

The Financial Times Rankings on the other hand include full time programs but ranks both domestic US and international programs from Europe and the east. While only one factor in determining where to pursue your MBA, an international environment adds the extra breadth and depth of international commerce that many global corporatoins are seeking for their new hires these days. Particularly valuable if the student has foreign language skills, a global MBA can be your ticket to the highest paying MBA jobs that many students aim for by attending such a program. For more great articles and information make sure to visit www.MBArankings.me.

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