Forensic Studies is a fascinating field of criminal justice, and the field attracts many people to schools that train professionals to solve crimes of all kinds. Students can choose different specializations, such as criminal behavior analysis and psychology, detective, investigation, policy development, corrections, and more.
Students are exposed to forensics theories and practices, practical skills of identification, procurement, and presentation of evidence, and criminal and deviant behavior. Forensic Studies programs build on liberal arts courses, and broaden and balance perspectives for solving crimes.
Students can obtain Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in areas of criminal investigations and in apprehension and prosecution of criminals. Forensic education includes the complex studies of criminal law to develop a foundation for professional practice, criminal behavior analysis, crime scene analysis, crime scene investigation (CSI), and laboratory analysis. Master of Science (MS) degrees and advanced BS degrees in Forensic Studies focus on performing research with highly developed skills for investigation and deduction.
Graduates of forensic schools are educated in psychology as well as legal issues of crime, and have skills and knowledge that apply to many areas of forensics. Forensic professionals will find positions in law enforcement or with prosecuting attorneys, and in juvenile and adult corrections and mental health.
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