04/20/99 Columbine, Utah Mall Shooting 02/07, Virginia Tech Massacre 04/16/07. These are all active shooter situations in which armed actors (s) you enter a public place to kill as many people as possible. These accidents have been frequent in our society and is responsible for patrol, will be in place first and may be heavily armed suspect (s deal). I hope that your agency has developed training and procedures for responding to active shooter situations. These situations areextremely dangerous for the official response (s), because when you arrive, the scene is chaotic and the information is usually limited and simple.
Of course you want to keep the procedures of the department, if you reply to any of these situations during his career. The importance of a timely and rapid response by public officials can not be emphasized enough when it comes to an active shooter situation. Officers and must be fast and move to eliminate the threatimmediately and without hesitation. We must remember that the way to respond to one of these situations people are killed and our quick response and the action could save many lives.
Even if the accused person (s) to commit suicide before we scored our rapid response on the scene will allow us to make life-saving first aid and enable the deployment of more qualified medical first aid to treat the wounded . These are not situations where we have a perimeter of installation andwait for the SWAT team. SWAT is used when we are active shooter (s) in a certain place, where they are caught, or if the hostages could be taken included.
The ideal situation would be for 2-4 staff arriving on site and then formed to provide a fire team in an active shooter team area.A mark is simply a group of officers who complete cooperation as a unit of a task requested. It is logical that 2-4 more officers together to be able to deal with an activeShooter of a single officer. A team of 4 brand Officer is ideal, because the officer is back as the 3rd team moves around the shooting scene to be protected.
If I was the first officer on the scene of an active shooter, I would wait for the officer or official before providing access to the scene of the shooting. A team needs a leader, so would make sense that the officer most experienced or senior officer to be a leader. If a member of your team happened to be a SWATtactical or officer then the leader for obvious reasons. Because we are fast-answer mode, we want to train quickly and then placed in the subjects.
4-man fire team, I would be at least 2 agents with guns and want subgun one, if necessary. Since most active shooter situations are in enclosed spaces such as school buildings and official buildings, compact weapons like mp5's, short rifles and pistols are ideal. I then brieflyPistol-grip shotgun and I like it for close combat scenarios. Gives me the power, but to offer me the chance to crawl, climb, jump and romp with ease.
E 'ideal to have someone with a gun as long as a one-15, because you need someone to make a gap up or you come across someone with body armor. Think of your team of fire as a mini-SWAT team, and remember that the Swat team to bring a selection of weapons and equipment and for good reason.
I wont getin all the details about the tactics of a team of 2-4 men on fire, because it is something to teach, must personally in a live-action. When a fire team, you will stay together and not be disconnected when absolutely necessary. It may be necessary to split the team into two parts, if you notice the suspect (s), and you need to do to move on them. You may also have divided the team, if you encounter injured victims who need to be removed from the scene.
As you and your teamstarted shooting the scene, hopefully, get more information on proliferation is through shipping. Survivors fled for safety and is now alleged to have called the 911 (s) descriptions and direction of travel. They are also the witnesses that are occurring, you can fast for knowledge of the movement of suspect (s interview).
In addition, of course, important for shipping information and other officers, so that the proposal to coordinate with otherBrand teams can also be deployed in the region. Converge some teams focus on one active shooter may mean an end very quickly to threats. Always keep in mind that there may be more than 1 active shooter, although initial reports indicate only a. It 'also important to remind them that a weapon could be a possible active shooter (s PIT) and try to fleeing the area as an innocent victim. This is why you saw so many children forced her to walk single file withhands on the head during the Columbine shootings.
Each situation is unique and requires active Shooter different elements, different methods and tactics. The main things I try to emphasize is that it is imperative that we respond quickly and we are implementing in the scene shooting with other officers and a team so that we can safely and quickly remove the danger (s) and life saving. The police departments must train for these situations so that their officerspreparations for the event that happens one of these dangerous situations in their city. It's a shame that we will see more of these situations, active shooter in the future, but with the right training and equipment, you may end quickly and save lives in the process.
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